Bringin' It Back

Try not to fall over. Yes, this is an actual blog post on Nesting Gypsy! Cuz...I'm baaaaaaack! This past year, I've been doing a lot more "microblogging" on Instagram...but this month is my TEN YEAR BLOGIVERSARY! 10 years. It's crazy. And there are some of you who have been around since the beginning! Which is so humbling and amazing to me.

You'll notice that I've done a little facelifting around here...I changed up the header and added a page about why I love my oils and a page on how you can get started with your own oils. These little bottles of oil have changed our life in such dramatic ways...I kind of have a crush on them.

Our life looks RADICALLY different today than it did 10 years ago...which is to be expected. But it's so fascinating to look back and see the progression of our location, ideals, and thought patterns. As I turn 40 this year...I can honestly say that I'm more excited about my life and our future than EVER before. 

It turns out that as I've aged, I care less and less what people think of me and more and more about the good things I have to offer to the world. I know that my God-given calling in life is to uplift & encourage others...and to help them find the path to their dream life. I do this each and every day as I mentor, coach, and inspire my TRIBE...but I want to make sure that isn't the only place my voice is heard. 

I'll be posting more blogs...sharing my passions and catching you all up on some happenings in our life this past year.  I'm also going to be doing something I'm SUPER excited about, and that is more live interaction. 

I'm going to do more on my Periscope channel...and I'll be offering a broader glimpse into our life and adventures. 

So to kick it all off, join me tomorrow at 2pm EST on Periscope, where I will do a live 30 min Q & A session on topics of your choice! Travel, RV life, motherhood, unschooling, running a business, essential oils, being an bring the questions and I will answer! Excited to see you there tomorrow! 

**If you don't have a Periscope account but want to join in the is a quick run-through of how to set it up. And when you get on...follow me @nestinggypsy. Can't wait!

I'd love to get re-acquainted with all of you...LEAVE ME A COMMENT and share how you found my blog initially and what you're up to these days!