The Dreadlock Journey: Conversations on Life, Love, & Locks


I am SO THRILLED to finally be sharing my latest project with you...

The Dreadlock Journey!

This eBook has been many years in the making...and it's ALMOST ready for you. So so close. I couldn't be more excited. My heart is racing just typing this :)

After having dreadlocks for almost 7 years, I have become friends with a host of amazing dreadlocked beauties, and I have heard them spill their hearts and tell me how dreadlocks have changed them. So I thought...

Let's tell the stories! Let's share our journeys! Let's get inspired!

You do NOT want to miss this...stories from Mandy Steward, Denise Andrade, Pixie Campbell, Emily Falconbridge, Hillary Rain, Tara Wagner, Catina Jane, and SO many more lovelies. 32 to be exact! And of course, my dread-cutting story is included as well, along with other bonus goodies!

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Does this sound like something you just might LOVE? Sign up below for my brand new (love)LETTER! I will be sending out sneak peaks into the eBook, as well as pre-sale discounts! The (love)LETTER will also be a way for me to send out other fun things I find along my way!

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