Change is in the Air

We've had our share of change over the last 3 months! And now that everything is finally settling into reality, I am ready to share it all with you. As you can see from the above photo, my BODY has been changing! Baby Janssen #3 will be arriving in late April and we couldn't be more thrilled. I am 11 weeks right now, and I will be SO happy to see my second trimester. I'm ready to feel normal again and not like a comatose, nauseous, crazy woman. :) (*side note: I'm so totally in love with the pants I have on here. I don't ever want to take them off. Ever. I love Texture!!)

With one change comes another. On Saturday we will move into this cozy and charming house just outside of Nederland, CO (affectionately referred to as "Ned"). The house is a seasonal furnished rental...with a lease just long enough to welcome a new little baby into our family, surrounded by the beauty of the mountains. After that lease is up, we will re-evaluate and decide what our next housing step will be. Can't wait to share photos of the inside with you after we move in!

And that brings me to our last change...our fifth wheel is up for sale! This is one of most extensive remodels and truly one of my favorite spaces we've done. I'm sure whoever the lucky buyer is will love the lively colors and open floor plan. Jump over to our Happy Janssens blog for a complete description, photo tour, and contact info. We'll eventually be looking for something a bit smaller for weekend travel.

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. Anatole France

This quote really resonates with me and  fits our lives perfectly. We have had so many experiences and lived so much life in these wandering nomad days of ours. We know that every season brings about a new adventure, and even more so in seasons of change.

It's been a difficult time of decision-making, late night talks after the kids have gone to bed, and much prayer. We know and trust that in EVERY season, God has a plan for our lives and that He is keeping is hand of provision on our family. Even when it's hard to leave behind a part of ourselves, we press on and know that the life God has planned for us is beyond what we could ever ask for or imagine.

I am so excited for this coming fall and winter...the preparations for a new baby and nesting in the mountains, hot soup and bread, family visiting, and exploring a new town. I hope you'll stick around and come along on this new journey with me!