Fun In The Sun

One of the things I love most about can go barefoot in February and it ALWAYS feels warmer than the thermometer reads. When I start to crave iced tea instead of hot tea...I know it's warm out :)

Last week we enjoyed A LOT of time in the sunshine with friends. It started with a meetup at the mall play area, then a picnic play date at the park, and then a library day and lunch.

I've enjoyed watching Bella and Lucy develop friendships that are consistent, and see their faces light up when we make plans to get together! I love this part of being in one place...the settling into a predictable routine.

Even though we see each other so often now, Natalie and I never seem to run out of things to talk about. The mark of a true friend.

Having a real backyard (fenced in and everything) is such a luxury! I still get excited every time I open my back door. Bella created some finger paint masterpieces out there this week...messy is fun!

I love the location of our's just a block from a good coffee shop, a yummy restaurants, a thrift store, and so much more!

When we need to shake things up a bit and play inside, we crank the music up LOUD, move the coffee table aside and dance around the living room. Sometimes with our hoops, sometimes without. :) It's a great way to burn of energy for the girls and calories for mommy ;) Jumping on the bed is another favorite activity.

Bella and I did each others nails while Lucy was napping...there was a lot of girl talk and pretending. Last week we went to Paris a lot...but this week it's nail salons and working "on the farm". I'm not quite sure how she made the jump from being a fashion designer in Paris to scooping the horse poop in the barn (the broom and laundry basket are props)....but she did. She embraces her every passion fully! :)

Every day the girls grow closer and more connected. I love seeing their relationship change and develop right before my eyes!

My parents will be arriving on Sunday for a week-long visit, as well as Dan and Jess. So excited to spend time with them! We will also be celebrating Matt's 33rd birthday on's going to be a great week!