DPP '10 // Community

Community...who can survive without it?  A community of  like minded souls who accept you exactly where you are...without judgment. It's a critical component of a fulfilling life.

Last night I experienced an atmosphere of beautiful community at The Birth Circle in Des Moines, hosted by my dear friend and midwife, Cosette. Each month, they gather. Walking up the stairway one by one, they enter with expectation. Trusting each other with the intimate details of their lives...to help each other thrive instead of just survive. Different backgrounds. Different faith journeys. Different stories. But they are all mothers. They are all the same.

Candlelight. Soup. Bread. Wine. Laughter. Handmade truffles. Heartfelt sharing. Connection. COMMUNITY.

As I left this sacred space,  I looked back and felt such a connectedness...such a glow from the night's revelation and inspiration. And I was thankful.

Tell me about community in your life. Where do you find connection?

*see last year's Birth Circle DPP photo here