Right Now...

I'm trying to take more time to BE STILL. To pray. To listen.

I'm obsessed with mate lattes. Mate + honey + vanilla almond milk + cinnamon + my beloved Aerolatte. Pure bliss.

We are loving the West coast. The ocean is dreamy and Portland is by FAR one of my favorite cities in the country. California is beautiful and WARM! Just wish it wasn't so spendy :)

I'm obsessed with feather earrings. Courtney is a Seahorse and Owlita are my faves.

I'm still blissed out from Hoopcamp. *sigh* Amazing.

**If you're interested in getting more consistent updates on my life, as I'm obviously not a daily blogger :)...feel free to add me as a Facebook friend or follow me on Twitter. I also just uploaded 186 new photos to my Life Inspired set! Lots of "behind the scenes" action :)

Have a wonderful week!