The 12 Project ::: Month 7

Happenings in Month 7:

  • This is the first month that we've actually been in the same location as last month! We are going on 8 weeks in Colorado...and have loved every minute! Four of those weeks have been spent in Golden...and we will really miss this community when we leave. It kind of feels like we live here. We know we've been in one place for awhile when the locals know who we are, when we can't go downtown without running into someone we know, and when we already have "weekend traditions". :) We have plans to head to Bozeman next week after Matt's job here is done, and we are really looking forward to that!
  • My mom and dad just couldn't stay away, and within 10 days of leaving us the first time, they were back out here for another week. We had TONS of fun...again :) We rented bikes and biked all over was so awesome to not worry about packing us into 2 cars to go downtown. Instead we just pedaled our way there! I'm in love with bikes.
  • My brother, Daniel, also flies out from Minneapolis quite a bit for business, and we've loved seeing him!
  • Bella has made so many friends here...she has been to a birthday party, and regularly goes to the park or the creek with friends and their families. She is growing up before our very eyes...and yet, there are moments when I look into her eyes and see that sweet little 2 year old looking back at me. She loves fashion and dressing up. Makeup and nail polish and such are beloved items. Although, she is very much a "tomboy", so it's a nice mixture :)  Sometimes I will ask her to hold my hand while crossing the street. Sometimes she will, but most of the time she wants to do it all on her own. My heart only breaks a little bit. Luckily, I have another little girl who is just starting to want to hold my hand.
  • Lucy is changing daily and becomes more and more adventurous all the time. I can't turn my back for a SECOND in the RV because: she likes to make "art" on the leather couch with pen, she stands on top of the table/counter/dash, she plays in the toilet, she unloads drawers and then sits in them, and she throws things out the window. Oh, and she likes to take her diaper off. She is at the age where she KNOWS what she wants, but doesn't have the words for it. She knows some sign language, but it is still hard sometimes. It's like an all day game of charades...but she totally amazes us at what she understands.

It's been a great month...and we are looking forward to an amazing fall as we head West to Oregon and California. Weeeeeeee!