A Friend in Need...

This morning as I was scanning through my Facebook updates, I gasped out loud when I came to Laura's:

Most everything is burned/melted or water-damaged. Only home my kids have ever known. SO hard but thanking God we were NOT there!

Laura is the mama of 5 sweet babes, and wife to Jeromy. She is a photographer friend of mine and a beautiful, giving soul. I am so heartbroken for their family and can't even begin to fathom that feeling of loss. They have lived in their home for 5 1/2 years...and to find that it burned down on Christmas day is devastating.

Please say a prayer for their family as they sort through all the pieces of this tragedy. If you are able to give a financial gift, you can do that via her blog here. Even just a few dollars will uplift this sweet family.

Photo credit: Taylor Christian Jones