Vintage Remedies Giveaway

vintage-remedies1Have you ever wanted to stop popping pills for your headaches (or other ailments), but didn't know of any other alternatives? Maybe you really wanted to try an herbal remedy for your child's cough, but you didn't know who to talk to about it or even where to begin. When I became a mother, my thoughts about medications changed radically and I started to seek out alternatives. I just knew there had to be something other than medicine laced with red #40 to lower fever.  However, I still lacked the confidence I needed to make quick decisions about herbal remedies on my own. I wish I would have known about Jessie Hawkins back then! When we were on tour, we stayed with Jessie and her family near Nashville, TN and had a fabulous time. I utilized her expertise many times while we were on the road and was comforted over and over by her reassurance and sensitivity when I was dealing with an ailment.

Jessie is a Master Herbalist and is the founder of Vintage Remedies. Vintage Remedies offers a Family Herbalist Course and a Master Herbalist Course through the Vintage Remedies School of Natural Health. If you've ever been intrigued by herbal medicine, her courses are incredibly detailed and upon completion, will allow you to work in the natural health field. Jessie also offers individualized consulting and has a really great website too!

And now...the really exciting part :) Jessie has recently released a book called The Handbook of Vintage Remedies: The Modern Family's Guide to Herbal Medicine. Every household should have this book! Many of you probably own the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing...I see Jessie's book as the more user-friendly and abbreviated version of that book. It has information on how to treat everything from eczema to menopause to low milk supply. She also includes recipes for cool stuff like natural antibacterial spray, laundry soap, and chocolate chip bath cookies (yum!), as well as and an index of explanations and uses for all of the most common herbs. Here is the summary from her site:

Throughout this book, Jessie covers over 90 common health concerns faced by modern families and 35 of the most commonly used herbal remedies, as well as practical safety guidelines about using natural remedies at home, and valuable formulas and recipes for putting herbs to use in the home. Tips on setting up a natural medicine chest, changing the family to a healthier diet and boosting immunity are also featured. Jessie's holistic approach covers nutritional, lifestyle, herbal and other natural therapies with a focus on evidence based care. Each health concern also includes information on preventative care and when to seek professional medical treatment.

Jessie has generously donated a copy of her book for me to give away, and she is also offering free shipping for my blog readers through May 31. To receive free shipping, enter the coupon code "sara" upon checkout (click here to order). To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment! I'll choose the winner at random on Friday, May 15.

Bonus: Sara Snow (green living expert/TV host), who just happens to be enrolled with Vintage Remedies, just did a great interview on CNN regarding herbal medicine. Check it out here.

COMMENTS ARE CLOSED...Thanks to all who entered!! I will announce the winner soon.