The Riches of His Grace

In my blog meanderings I came across this wonderful, thought provoking quote about the Holy Spirit at the blog "Of First Importance". So often I fall into this same trap...forgetting about the intense love Jesus feels for me and focusing only on my short-comings and how I have disappointed Him. I want to focus on the "riches of His grace", and pass on this same grace to everyone I come in contact with. I long to have that "childlike confidence in Him"...trusting in Him fully for all of my needs. Thanks to Samantha at She Dabbles for the link!

“Perhaps much of our slow progress in the walk of faith is to be traced to our overlooking the love of the Spirit.

We do not deal with Him, for strength and advancement, as one who really loves us, and longs to bless us, and delights to help our infirmities (Rom 8:26). We regard Him as cold, or distant, or austere; we do not trust Him for His grace, nor realize how much He is in earnest in His dealings with us.

More childlike confidence in Him and in His love would help us on mightily. Let us not grieve Him, nor vex Him, nor quench Him by our untrustfulness, by disbelieving or doubting the riches of His grace, the abundance of His loving-kindness.”

—Horatius Bonar, “The Holy Spirit”