Sharing Fun

Greetings from Portland. Yes...I'm still alive. Life has been on warp speed for the past month...and I'm just trying to keep my head above the water as we speed into the last leg of our tour! Thanks for your patience :) In the meantime, here are some fun web thingys I have come across lately: Ever wondered what you could do with an old basketball? Check out this useful site: How Can I Recycle This? For all you photo junkies out is how you can make a headboard from a photo. I am so doing this someday when I have a real wall to put it on :)

Looking for some inspiration to get your digital photos out of the computer and up onto your walls? Apartment Therapy has some great ideas for hanging art, many of which include photos. I especially love the plexiglass wall project.

Need something to do while the little one is sleeping on your lap at the computer? Quiz yourself here. It's fun.

If you're not reading Emily's blog, you should be. We had the joy of staying with their family in California and had such a fabulous time. She takes pretty pictures and makes amazing art.