On The Move

Hello friends...Time is just flying by right now. We have not had ANY Internet connection at our apartment for a few weeks now due to technical difficulties. We've been going to coffee shops and the library every couple of days. So just in case you were wondering where I went...I'm alive and well, just not connected. Luckily, we will be moving again in a week or so, and we have free high speed wireless at our new location.

They're moving again?! Yes. We have decided to cut our housing expenses in half and move to a much smaller place even closer to downtown. We've been busily painting, tearing flooring out, painting some more and sleeping hard. We've also had out of town guests and more out of town guests and dinner guests, so we have been B-U-S-Y!

You can see the "before" photos here and read more about the apartment. In the coming weeks, I will take the "after" photos and you can see the progress! We're having a blast making it our own and I am ecstatic to be moving into a smaller space again.

Some of you have asked how we stay on the Compact while moving and remodeling. Luckily, our landlords have said they will help with much of the costs of the renovations. We have been buying most of the remodeling items new (paint, tile, etc). If it was my own home and we were paying for it, I would probably buy used. It's proving very difficult to find some household items used...but we are doing our best and having a great time! The thing that helps me the most is to have PATIENCE. I am usually able to find what I need or something that will work if I just wait. eBay is my new friend. I'm learning a lot about my character in this process because I am definitely not naturally a patient person.

I have many new topics to write about and discuss with you...but my blogs will be on hold for just a bit longer while we finish the apartment, move, and get settled.

Blessings...and stay warm!